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邹永涛  博士生导师






邹永涛,教授、博士研究生导师,深圳市海外高层次“孔雀计划”引进人才,304am永利集团纪委委员兼应用物理党支部书记/应用物理系副系主任。原吉林大学物理学院/超硬材料国家重点实验室引进人才、学术骨干、副教授,日本国立爱媛大学博士(JSPS G-COE), 美国纽约州立大学(石溪)博士后;其先后在日、美、中多个世界顶尖的高压物理实验室中有过学习/工作的科研经历。至今,主持或共同主持了10余项国家级//市级等科研项目,包含:国家自然科学基金联合项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省教育厅重点专项、深圳市科创委面上项目、国家重点实验室开放基金、深圳市海外高层次人才科研基金、美国能源部核安全局基金等。现已在本领域重要SCI期刊上发表学术论文~40篇,如:Chem. Mater., Phys. Rev. Appl., Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Geophys. Res. Lett., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Inorg. Chem.等,已获授权国家专利9项,参加国际会议30余次。现应邀兼任国家//市级等项目评审专家,及Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Inorg. Chem., J. Phys. Chem. CSCI期刊的审稿人。


1). 极端条件先进结构/超硬材料的高温高压制备、表征及应用;

2). 高压高温(低温)极端条件下,凝聚态物质新材料的结构与性能研究;

3). 新材料的相变、状态方程、弹性模量及强度的高温高压原位超声干涉测量、同步辐射X射线衍射与中子衍射研究;

4). 极端条件下的光谱学与光电功能材料研究;


2022.12 ---- 至今:永利集团304am官方入口 教授  博士生导师 孔雀计划海外引进人才

2019.07----2022.11:永利集团304am官方入口 副教授 博士生导师 孔雀计划海外引进人才 

2017.06---2019.06:南方科技大学 物理系/科研院 研究副教授/博士研究生导师

2014.11---2017.6: 吉林大学 物理学院/超硬材料国家重点实验室,副教授/硕士生导师、学术骨干

2012.11--2014.11:美国纽约州立大学(石溪)  高压科学研究中心 博士后

2009.10--2012.09:日本国立爱媛大学  理学部/高压实验室 研究助理


1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,Zr-Nb合金的相变、弹性模量及强度的高温高压原位超声与同步辐射的协同测量研究,2019.01~2022.12, 主持;


3)广东省教育厅重点专项、新型高熵合金的制备、 弹性模量与强度的高温高压研究、2021.01~2023.12、主持;

4)深圳市科技计划项目基础研究(面上项目),新型高熵合金的制备、弹性模量及强度的高温高压原位超声测量与同步辐射研究,2020.2~2023.1, 主持;

5)深圳市孔雀计划高层次人才科研启动项目、新型超硬材料的高温高压研究, 2020.01~ 2022.12,主持;







[1]. Jin Liu, Yongtao Zou (Co-first author)†, Guodong David Zhan, Pei Wang, Xiaozhi Yan, DuanweiHe, Liping Wang, Is the hardness of material harder than diamond reliable? Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 144, 111 (2023) (IF=10.319)

[2]. Pei Wang†, Sheng-Cai Zhu, Yongtao Zou (Co-first author), Haiyan Chen, Ying Liu, Weiwei Li, Jian Chen, Jinlong Zhu, Liusuo Wu, Shanmin Wang, Wenge Yang, Yuming Xiao, Paul Chow, Liping Wang, Yusheng Zhao*, Concurrent pressure-induced spin-state transitions and Jahn-Teller distortions in MnTe, Chemistry of Materials, 34, 3931 (2022) (IF=10.508)

[3]. Xiuxiu Yang, Shihao Zhang, Hang Zhu, Peidong Tao, Lili Huang, Mu Li, Wei Zhang, Ying Li, Cangtao Zhou, Yongtao Zou*, Structural stability, thermodynamic and elastic properties of cubic Zr0.5Nb0.5 alloy under high pressure and high temperature, Crystals, 12, 631 (2022).

[4]. Yongtao Zou,* Ke Liu, Pei Wang, Daowei Wang, Mu Li, Ying Li, Leiming Fang, Hongbin Zhuo, Shuangchen Ruan, Cangtao Zhou, Yusheng Zhao, Sound velocities, elasticity, and mechanical properties of stoichiometric submicron polycrystalline δMoN at high pressure, Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 11897 (2021).

[5]. Yongtao Zou*, Cangtao Zhou, Mu Li, Liwei Deng, Hua Zhang, Xiaoyang Guo, Lu Li, Sizhong Wu, Taiwu Huang, Hui Li, Xun Cai, Hongbin Zhuo, Shuangchen Ruan, Baosheng Li, Acoustic velocities, elasticity and pressure-induced elastic softening in compressed neodymium, Mechanics of Materials, 155, 103776 (2021).

[6]. Qingze Li, Xiuxiu Yang, Fang Peng, Gongzhang Yang, Tiexin Han, Leiming Fang*, Qiwei Hu, Lei Xie, Xiping Chen, Yongtao Zou*, Elasticity, mechanical and thermal properties of submicron h-AlN: in-situ high pressure ultrasonic study, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 41, 4788 (2021).

[7]. Yongtao Zou*, Mu Li, Wei Zhang, Cangtao Zhou, Tony Yu, Yanbin Wang, Yusheng Zhao, Shuangchen Ruan, Baosheng Li, Unraveling Microstrain-promoted structural evolution and thermal-driven phase transition in c-Sc2O3 nanocrystals at high pressure, Physical Review B, 102, 214115 (2020).

[8]. Yongtao Zou*, Hua Zhang, Pressure-induced structural instability and amorphization in compressed α-V2O5, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 790, 164 (2019).

[9]. Yongtao Zou*, Wei Zhang, Ting Chen, Xing-ao Li, Chun-Hai Wang, Tony Yu, Bingbing Liu, Yanbin Wang, Robert C. Liebermann, Yusheng Zhao, and Baosheng Li, Thermally induced anomaly in the shear behavior of Fe3O4 magnetite at high pressure, Physical Review Applied, 10, 024009 (2018).

[10]. Yongtao Zou*, Ying Li, Haiyan Chen, David Welch, Yusheng Zhao, Baosheng Li, Thermoelasticity and anomalies in the pressure dependence of phonon velocities in niobium, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 011901 (2018).

[11]. Yongtao Zou*,Wei Zhang, Xuefei Li, Maining Ma, Xing-ao Li, Chun-Hai Wang, Bin He, Shanmin Wang, Zhiqiang Chen, Yusheng Zhao, and Baosheng Li, Pressure-induced anomalies and structural instability in compressed β-Sb2O3, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 11430 (2018).

[12]. Yongtao Zou*, et al., Discovery of superconductivity in hard hexagonal ε-NbN, Scientific Reports, 6, 22330 (2016).

[13]. Yongtao Zou*, et al., Hexagonal-structured ε-NbN: ultra-incompressibility, high shear rigidity, and a possible hard superconducting material, Scientific Reports, 5, 10811 (2015).

[14]. Yongtao Zou*, Steeve Gréaux, Tetsuo Irifune, Baosheng Li, Yuji Higo, Unusual pressure effect on the shear modulus in MgAl2O4 spinel, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 24518 (2013).

[15]. Yongtao Zou*, Xintong Qi, Xuebing Wang, Ting Chen, Xuefei Li, David Welch, Baosheng Li, High-pressure behavior and thermoelastic properties of niobium studied by in situ X-ray diffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 013516 (2014).

[16]. Yongtao Zou*, Tetsuo Irifune, et al., Elasticity and sound velocities of polycrystalline Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 garnet up to 20 GPa and 1700 K, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 14910 (2012).  (JCR Q1)

[17]. Yongtao Zou, Duanwei He, Xiankui Wei, Richeng Yu, Tiecheng Lu, Xianghui Chang, ShanminWang, Li Lei, Nanosintering mechanism in MgAl2O4 transparent ceramics at high pressure, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 123, 529 (2010).

[18]. Yongtao Zou*, Tetsuo Irifune, Steeve Gréaux, Matthew L. Whitaker, Yuji Higo, Thermal equation of state of Mg3Al2Si3O12 pyrope garnet up to 19 GPa and 1700 K, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 589 (2012).  

[19]. Dong-Yun Gui, Zhang-Kai Cao, Wei Han, Jian-Qi Qi, Tie-Cheng Lu, Yongtao Zou, Chun-Hai Wang, Effects of cation ordering and microstructure on LaGdZr2O7 transparent ceramics processing by vacuum sintering, Ceramics International, 44, 7006 (2018).

[20]. Shiqi Liu, Lei Han, Yongtao Zou, Pinwen Zhu, Baochang Liu, Polycrystalline diamond compact with enhanced thermal stability, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33, 1386 (2017).  

[21]. Xintong Qi, Yongtao Zou (#), Xuebing Wang, Ting Chen, David O. Welch, Jianzhong Jiang, Baosheng Li, Elastic anomaly and polyamorphic transition in (La, Ce)-based bulk metallic glass under pressure, Scientific Reports, 7, 724 (2017).

[22]. Ting Chen, Robert C. Liebermann,Yongtao Zou, Ying Li, Xintong Qi, Baosheng Li, Tracking silica in Earth's upper mantle using new sound velocity data for coesite to 5.8 GPa and 1073 K, Geophysical Reseach Letters, 44, 7757 (2017).

[23]. Xuebing Wang, Ting Chen, Yongtao Zou, Robert C. Liebermann, Baosheng Li. Elastic wave velocities of peridotite KLB-1 at mantle pressures and implications for mantle velocity modeling, Geophysical Reseach Letters, 41, 3289 (2015).

[24]. Xuebing Wang, Ting Chen, Xintong Qi, Yongtao Zou (#), Jennifer Kung, Tony Yu, Yanbin Wang, Robert C. Liebermann, Baosheng Li, Acoustic travel time gauges for in-situ determination of pressure and temperature in multi-anvil apparatus, Journal of Applied Physics,118, 065901 (2015).  

[25]. Ting Chen, Gabriel D. Gwanmesia, Xuebing Wang, Yongtao Zou, Robert C. Liebermann, Chloé Michaut, Baosheng Li, Anomalous elastic properties of coesite at high pressure and implications for the upper mantle X-discontinuity, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412, 42 (2015).

[26]. Ying Li, Yongtao Zou, Ting Chen, Xuebing Wang, Xintong Qi, Haiyan Chen, Jianguo Du, Baosheng Li. P-V-T equation of state and high-pressure behavior of CaCO3aragonite, American Mineralogist, 100, 2323 (2015).

[27]. Shanmin Wang, Duanwei He, Yongtao Zou, Jianjun Wei, Li Lei, Yongjun Li, Jianghua Wang, Wendan Wang, High-pressure and high-temperature sintering of nanostructured bulk NiAl materials, Journal of Materials Research, 24, 2089 (2009).

[28]. Li Lei, Duanwei He, Yongtao Zou, Wei Zhang, Zhao Wang, Ming Jiang, Maolu Du, Phase transitions of LiAlO2 at high pressure and high temperature, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181, 1810 (2008).


1) 邹永涛、杨秀秀、申鹏飞、周沧涛、阮双琛、一种纳米结构高熵合金块体材料及其制备方法,国家发明专利,公开号:114941082A,公开日:2022-08-26


3)邹永涛、张世豪、周沧涛、阮双琛,一种纳/微米结构锆合金及其制备方法,国家发明专利,公开号: 114855016A,公开日:2022-08-05




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